The certified client should comply with the following requirements to maintain its management system registered at SMR. If the failure or breach of these requirements may cause suspension or withdrawal of its registration

  Keeping SMR’s Certification Terms & Conditions

The certified client should keep SMR’s Terms and Conditions for Certification, Audit Services and Certification Mark License
- SMR ’ s Terms & Conditions (download)             - Use of  SMR Certification Marks (download)


Notifying of Changes to SMR

The certified client shall inform SMR, without delay, of matters that may affect the capability of the management system to continue to fulfill the requirements of the standard used for certification. These include, for example, changes relating to
(a) the legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership
(b) organization and management(e.g. key managerial, decision-making, or technical staff),
(c) contact address and sites,
(d) scope of operations under the certified management system, and
(e) major changes to the management system and/or processes


Allowing of representative of AB or SMR for witness audit

The Client must promptly comply with any reasonable requirement of SMR in relation to the Client’s management system to make appropriate the Certification request by the Client, including allowing a representative of an accreditation body or SMR to witness a Certification Service being provided by SMR at a Site


Allowing of Surveillance audits

The certified client should allow SMR to conduct regular surveillance audits of its certified management system by surveillance cycle.

1. Surveillance audits shall be conducted at least once a year. The date of the first surveillance audit following initial certification shall not be more than 12 months from the last day of the stage 2 audit. Yet, surveillance cycle shall usually keep the table 1 below

Table 1


Surveillance Cycle

1st surveillance

2nd surveillance


Initial Certification of 3years

6 or 9mths (±1mth)

Recertification of 3years

9mths (±1mth) Or 12mths

Note Surveillance cycle is not uniformly applied to all certified clients. It is determined by the audit team in consideration of system maturity, business size, process complexity, certification scope, risk, other party’s opinion, implement period, significant changes of management system, and the result of the latest audit.

2. However, the following cases shall require surveillance audit every 6 months
    -  Request by the client
    -  If at least 1 major nonconformity was found
    -  Delay in correction or corrective actions or non-effectiveness of actions taken 
    -  Significant changes of certified management system
    -  Operation of management system is inappropriate     


Allowing of Verification audits

The client should allow SMR to conduct special audits in the case of Modification Table        
 - Modification Table (click to see)

For example) Extensions to scope
SMR shall,, in response to an application for extension to the scope of a certification already granted, undertake a review of the application and determine an y audit activities necessary to decide whether or not the extension may be granted. This may be conducted in conjunction with a surveillance audit.
 - Application for Modification (download)


Allowing of Short-notice audits

It may be necessary for SMR to conduct audits of certified clients at short notice to investigate complaints, or in response to changes, or as follow up on suspended clients.